World Missions Possible was incorporated in May 2001 as a Texas non-profit corporation. In September of 2001, it was recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as "exempt from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as a publicly supported organization described in section 501(c)(3)". Therefore, all contributions to the organization are tax deductible
Check Donation
Designate your donation under one of the following categories in the memo of the check:
General Funds
Emergency Care Books for Ghana's Kids ($5 per 2-book/CD/crayon set of "Nana Needs an Ambulance!" and "Who Made Kwame Sick?")
Ethiopia Outreach (medical and vision care in Gondar, Ethiopia)
Ghana (Emergency Care Training)
Other (Please be specific)
Make checks payable to:
World Missions Possible, Inc.
Mail to:
World Missions Possible
730 Dover Road
Grand Rivers, Kentucky 42045
Donate Supplies
We currently need help gathering the following supplies:
medical supplies or equipment
used prescription sunglasses or eyeglasses
We are currently looking for assistance with the following:
Tax preparation
Bookeeping assistance
Legal consultation
Grant writing
Please contact roxanerichter@yahoo.com or call
800-579-7470 extension 2 for more information.
Your donation will be processed and disbursed to your selected nonprofit by the PayPal Giving Fund, an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286). You will receive a tax receipt for your gift and thanks to PayPal's support, 100% of your donation will reach the nonprofit of your choice.
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support.
Integrated into eBay's regular buying and selling platform, eBay Giving Works makes it easy for people to support important causes, both in the U.S. and abroad. It enables sellers to donate a portion of their sales and buyers to shop while supporting their favorite charities — all the while giving nonprofits an opportunity to engage new supporters.