World Missions Possible is seeking support from medical professionals to volunteer locally and abroad. To date, WMP has provided approximately 590 surgeries and 6,793 medical and eye exams. The organization has no hired staff and has always relied 100% on volunteer support. Contact us today to find out how you can make a difference in the lives of those in need and help WMP continue our mission to support those in hard-to-reach, overlooked, and underserved areas.

On average, World Missions Possible holds approximately three free eye clinics in the United States (Houston and New Orleans), and approximately three free eye clinics internationally (Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Swaziland) per year. "I CARE" clinics consist of eye exams, wellness exams, and free eyeglasses for those in need. World Missions Possible strives to serve domestic violence shelters, non-profit organizations, and residential shelters by reaching out to and providing free transport (when available) to several local area shelters and non-profit organizations. Contact us to learn more about how you can help locally and abroad.

There are many ways you can volunteer with us in your local community and abroad. We are always looking for people with various backgrounds, talents, and skill levels. We currently need assistance with accounting, tax preparation, bookeeping and legal consultation. Click below to fill out our volunteer application or contact us directly to find out how you can make a difference.