Help Support Mass Casualty Planning, Disaster Leadership and Emergency Response in Ghana
Would you like to showcase your unique products and services, at no direct cost to your company, in front of national healthcare leaders,...
World Missions Possible Classes Help Save Countless Lives in Ethiopia
Dr. Roxane Richter, a professor at University of Gondar, Ethiopia, and Dr. Thomas Flowers teach two cardiac resuscitation courses and one ad
Rhabdomyosarcoma: Fighting Childhood Cancer
UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart that I notify our donors that our little boy in Nigeria with Rhabdomyosarcoma: Fighting Childhood Cancer...
Medical & Vision Care Given to 1,200 Patients in Ghana
1,200 patients were offered and received free medical and vision care. The areas served included N'gani (witches village), Ekotsi and...
Zimbabwean School Celebrates 1st World Reader Launch
In January of 2015, Albert Street School celebrated its 1st World Reader Launch. World Missions Possible donated 25 Kindle (wifi-enabled)...
"I CARE": Bringing Free Vision Care & Eyeglasses to Homeless & Impoverished Popula
With thousands of donated & purchased prescription eyeglasses, World Missions Possible launched its "I CARE" (Vision Care) program in...
$1k Grant Provided by WMP to Support Togo
Pictured is: Dr. Didier Ahemi, a licensed physician and pastor from Lome, Togo. For many years, Dr. Ahemi has volunteered on every World...
1100+ Patients in Ghana Provided FREE Medical Care
1,105 patients were offered and received free medical care, vision screening and eyeglasses. The areas served included N'gani (witches...
WMP Provides 900 Patients with FREE Medical Care
Some 900 patients were offered and received free medical care. The areas served included N'gani (witches village), Ekotsi and Bogyano....
Donations to Zimbabwean School
Pictured at Albert Street School's 1st Anniversary Program: total donation to school in 2009 in items and cash donations = 30,250 Rand or...