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"I CARE" Vision Outreach

Superheros in Scrubs!

Back Row: Jerry Higgins, Bryan Barry, Mike Allen, Dr. Tom Pruett, Dr. Carl Shirk (from Swaziland!), Lesley Shirk (not pictured).

Front row: Dr. Jose Peraza; Dr. Jackie Brending-Lerbs, Dr. Blythe Bucker, Roxane Richter; Dr. Susie Mehta, Nancy Durinio, Lynda McKenney, Dr. Tom Flowers.

Once again, sending out a huge "Thanks for Making a WORLD of Difference" to all of our wonderful healthcare providers who volunteered at the World Missions Possible March 28th Clinic for the Homeless & Indigent at Clear Lake United Methodist Church. We had seven wonderful doctors, two registered nurses, two optometrists, and two other medical volunteers. Additionally, we had many “helping hands” as volunteers, including: Jordie Chalupnik, Kris Wessale, Brother Alberto Williams, Virginia Campbell, Mike Allison, Heather Martin, Merridy Pyer, and Sheila and Stephanie from Celebracion.

We served approximately 20 wellness clinic patients and 145 eye patients. We had several cases of pterygiums, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and as always, a lot of undiagnosed and untreated hypertension! We allotted scheduled optometrist appointments to four area organizations, including: Bay Area Turning Point Domestic Violence Shelter, Salvation Army of Galveston, Crossroads Shelter, CLUMC Celebracion Hispanic Ministry. Due to the unusually high amount of astigmatic and special needs patients, there were 29 special-order custom made glasses that World Missions Possible will have to purchase through Crystal Crafters.

The local need was great, but the people were patient, quiet, and grateful for the free eye and medical care, eyeglasses, kids' care and activities, and 150 lunches. Most received free World Missions Possible healthcare kits, which included sunscreen, tissues, vitamins, chap stick, floss, toothbrush, soap, and more.


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